Committee Meeting

Public Notice

The R.M. of Leask next Occupational Health Committee (OHC) meeting will be held on:

Thursday, October 31, 2024 @9:00 AM

In addition to this meeting, the committee will be conducting Worksite Safety Inspections and Workplace Violence Assessments at the municipal shop and office.

All reports, communication or any other material intended for inclusion on the agenda must be received no later than 12 noon the Thursday prior to the meeting. Communication can be provided to or to the following appointed members:

Employer: Jayson Smith, Gord Stieb

Employees: Josh Mock, Erin Robertson

Provincial Traffic Safety Fund Grant Program

Speed Awareness Initiative for R.M. of Leask – The presence of the solar radar sign in various locations throughout the municipality in recent weeks is due to grant approval by the Government of Saskatchewan Provincial Traffic Safety Fund.

Speeding on municipal roads is an ongoing issue. Slower speeds must be adhered to in order to keep residents and visitors to our municipality safe while they enjoy all of the available amenities. Future applications to this fund may yield additional radar signs to be placed in the R.M. to encourage safe and responsible driving practices.

Ratepayer Custom Work

Council has re-examined the policy for no longer doing Custom Work due to the feedback from Ratepayers.

It is Council’s decision to keep the policy of “No Custom Work” in place. Due to the growth of requests it has become unmanageable for the R.M. to continue providing Ratepayers with this additional service.

Donna Goertzen