New 2024 Summer Transfer Station Hours

Please be advised that the R.M. of Leask No. 464 Council passed the following resolution at the Regular Meeting of Council on November 8, 2023:

545/23 - Diehl

Transfer Station: That Council resolve to change Transfer Station Hours to the following:

  • Summer Months (May 1 to September 30) Saturday & Monday
  • Winter Months (October 1 to April 30) Saturdays
  • New hours to commence on May 1/2024.


Updated Transfer Station Fee Schedule

Please be advised that the R.M. of Leask No. 464 passed the following resolution at the Regular Meeting of Council on November 8, 2023:

551/23- Watier

Fee Schedule: That Council accept Transfer Station Fee Schedule Policy 2023-08 as presented.


**The Transfer Station Fee Schedule is located under the “RM Council/Policies” and “RM 464 Services/Waste

Ratepayer Custom Work

Council has re-examined the policy for no longer doing Custom Work due to the feedback from Ratepayers.

It is Council’s decision to keep the policy of “No Custom Work” in place. Due to the growth of requests it has become unmanageable for the R.M. to continue providing Ratepayers with this additional service.

Donna Goertzen

Transfer Station Timesheets

The R.M. office would like to send a gentle reminder to all
ratepayers using the transfer station to please use their legal
land description or civic address when filling out the
timesheet the Landfill Attendant provides. Services may be
refused if it is not provided.