RM Transfer Station:
The R.M. of Leask transfer station is located west of Leask on Highway 12 approximately 1.5 miles south of Martin’s Lake Regional Park.
Pt. SE 19-46-7-W3 & Pt NE 18-46-7-W3
RM Transfer Station Hours
- Transfer station hours:
Summer – May 1st to Sep 30th
Saturdays and Mondays – 3:00 to 7:00pm - Winter – Oct 1st to Apr 30th
Saturday – 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.- Contact Information:
- Landfill Attendant: Cliff Heppner
- Contact: 306-491-6061
- Contact Information:
Time Sheets
The R.M. office would like to send a gentle reminder to all ratepayers using the transfer station to please use their legal land description or civic address when filling out the timesheet the Landfill Attendant provides. Services may be refused if it is not provided.
The Rural Municipality of Leask No. 464 Application Form-Tipping Fees
RM Recycling
The RM now has a Single Stream Recycling program with drop off in appropriate bins at our Transfer Station located West of Leask on Highway No 12 approx. 1.5 miles South of Martin’s Lake Regional Park. We accept residential and commercial cardboard, newsprint, magazines, office paper, plastics, beverage containers, aluminum and tin.
Acceptable Items – Free of Charge

Raw Wood (Untreated/Unpainted)


Grass Clippings

Tree Trimmings (No Roots)
Recycling Items – Free of Charge

Approved Plastic – Recycling Symbols

Plastic Items

Household Metal Items

Paper Items
Grain Bag Recycling
TJ’s Disposal is now able to recycle Grain Bags, and any other types of single-use plastics. They are able to remove them from communities and have them recycled, as they have a working partnership with Clean Farms. Grain Bags are removed to an approved Clean Farms depot to be recycled.
Acceptable Items

Household Garbage

Small Furniture: baby items, dining/small chairs, coffee & end tables, dining table (4 seating)

Large Furniture: Couches, Mattresses, Recliners, Dining Table (6+ seating)

Large Furniture

Appliances: freezers, stoves, washers & dryers


Construction Materials: painted/treated wood, carpet/linoleum/tile